Welcome to my portfolio!
About Me
Personal Projects
Art Portfolio
Art Portfolio
This project was started back in college to showcase a handfull of differenct art procjects as a final project for my 3D Modeling class. I then added some of my other work from other classes so I'd be able to view them all here.
I find this website fun as this is where my web development started. Even though it's missing some things. It's a reminder of where I started and how far I've come!
With a passtion of keyboards, I thought it would be a fun project to create a webpage of a working keyboard that resembles the keyboard I'm am/was currently using. There is a "Switch Theme" button at the top to show what my keycaps at one point use to look like as well.
The main purpose of this project was to add a resonsive keyboard that would work when clicked on. With the use of JavaScript, users can switch the theme of the keyboard that also changes the name of the keycaps under "Specs of my keyboard". JavaScript also allows the Caps Lock, Shift, and Backspace to work as if it's an acual keyboard!
This is a Bootstrap project that was started to I could learn more about Bootstrap. I plan to come back to this project to add more to it!